A new experience for the students at the montessori-school in munich/bavaria/germany. They had the chance to realize planetary music with musicboxes and empty strips of note paper.
Extract from the fourth book of his Harmonices mundi (1619): „…detached from it´s sense-perceptible media pure harmony is one and the same. For example, the type of harmony arising from the double proportion is again one and the same. If it occurs in notes it is termed the octave, in rays (note: thought lines between the heavenly bodies and the earth as the center and viewing point) it is termed opposition (note: 180° in a circle). In a musical sense it can be an upper or lower, a higher or deeper harmony. It could be a harmony of human voices or of notes generated by instruments. Likewise its occurance in meteorology is diverse; it can be an opposition of Saturn and Jupiter or of another pair of planets…“