A new experience for the students at the montessori-school in munich/bavaria/germany. They had the chance to realize planetary music with musicboxes and empty strips of note paper.
The article from the school yearbook:
“Specialized music in middle school We tried different things in music this year – a mix of theory and practice. In addition to actively making music and experimenting with our numerous instruments, we have also built some ourselves. (www.instrumente-bauen.de)
There was also a very special project on experimental concept music. The implementation of planetary movements in music. With the help of the Epheremids, an empty calendar and a music box with blank strips, the students were able to create their own planetary music composition. Incidentally for those who don´t know, the epheremids are the position values of the planets. Your name (“for a day”) expresses that such position information is usually given once a day. They are calculated from the orbital elements and published with daily position values of the sun, moon, planets and comets.
We used the “Steinhausers Kempter Kalender” which contains some aspects/angular positions of planets. It is the oldest popular calender of Germany (Europe) since 1692. So no Computer or digital machine involved!
tiktok akustik-clock…:)